- NO suitcases, bags, notes or books to be taken into the exam venue.
- NO cell phones, iPads, MP3 players or any other electronic devices or notes may be on the person once inside the exam venue.
- NO programmable calculators or any translators may be used during exams.
- Learners must be seated in absolute silence once inside the venue.
- Learners may not borrow equipment/stationary from each other.
- NO form of communication during the exams between any learners.
- Learners must remain in absolute silence when papers are being handed out and taken in.
- NO learner may leave the exam venue before the time has expired.
- Learners must check their exam papers to ensure they have been issued with the correct paper (subject) and the correct grade.
- Learners will be able to read the question paper for 10 minutes before the start of the examination. (NO writing in or on the answer book in this time).
- Learners must obey the instructions of the invigilator.
- Learners may not create a disturbance or behave in an improper or unseemly manner once inside the exam venue.
- NO explanation of examinations questions may be asked or given.
- NO learner may be absent without a doctors certificate, please also phone the school to inform us when you are absent.
- Learners will be warned 15 minutes before the end of time.
- When the invigilator declares that the time has expired learners must stop writing immediately and obey the instructions of the investigator.
- NO learner may be in possession of any unauthorised material or unauthorised objects in the exam venue.
- NO learner may leave or insert any unauthorised material in his or her answer book.
- Make sure you are well prepared
- Get a good night’s sleep – no electronic devices at least 12 hours before the exam!
- Research shows that the use of electronic devices before bedtime impacts on the quality and quantity of sleep. Levels of Melatonin are affected and the brain does not switch off and rest adequately.
- Have a healthy breakfast
- Don’t try to cram information into your head on the morning of the exam, you will just get stressed and then start to get anxious.
- Read through the paper from question 1 all the way to the end on your own. (The teacher on duty should read it through with you as well).
- Circle key words in the questions.
- If you are battling with a question, or don’t know the answer – put a cross next to that question and move on. You can always come back to it when you have finished the questions you can answer.
- Bring a book to read when you have finished your paper.
- Do not rush but keep an eye on the times on the board.
- Make sure you have the correct stationary at school every day.
- Stationary must be in a CLEAR PLASTIC bag or stationery container.
- (pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, highlighter, colour pencils)